what is it that makes God so amazing?
i have a new camera which i dont know how to use yet, but i'll let it tell the story of my weekend.
before 180 the Food and bev (F&B) team lead by Linnet and for this night team leader was Kristy Tong on the right.

below is janice, chilling with Mandy Poon, one of our crazy uni students

the pre 180 chill out time is a great chance to meet people. it builds the vibe and buzz before we start. i love it.

worship at 180 was amazing on saturday. tom and jacinta along with some of the flight people made an awesome team and the lord really moved powerfully that night. here's nate not even knowing i was there. he's rather styling in this photo

here's tom going for it during practice

and there's gotta be the fancy artsy shot somewhere...

this is lolly law. she's the most craziest woman of God that i know. she just never stops sharing the gospel where ever she goes and she shared an amazing testimony. she's great.

worship at 180 is always crazy. i think because i kind of grew up in 180, i always feel at home worshiping God on a saturday night. i love it.

jason young did an awesome job preaching about having our whole lives be a mission... that we would take on the mantel of missions.. "what would you do to save a soul?" the answer? any and everything.

the other side of of the room.

as much as 180 sometimes breaks my heart, as much as it tires me to the bone sometimes, and puts a strain on my sanity, and sometimes spills too much into my personal life with my wife... there are times when we're worshiping God, when he renews my call, my strength, my resolve, and tells me that it's ok... i am with you.
numerous people heard the voice of God, or at least the urging of the holy spirit, a refreshing, salvations, and then Tom also was inspired to write a bridge to his song, Who May Ascend.
i have a new camera which i dont know how to use yet, but i'll let it tell the story of my weekend.
before 180 the Food and bev (F&B) team lead by Linnet and for this night team leader was Kristy Tong on the right.
below is janice, chilling with Mandy Poon, one of our crazy uni students
the pre 180 chill out time is a great chance to meet people. it builds the vibe and buzz before we start. i love it.
worship at 180 was amazing on saturday. tom and jacinta along with some of the flight people made an awesome team and the lord really moved powerfully that night. here's nate not even knowing i was there. he's rather styling in this photo
here's tom going for it during practice
and there's gotta be the fancy artsy shot somewhere...
this is lolly law. she's the most craziest woman of God that i know. she just never stops sharing the gospel where ever she goes and she shared an amazing testimony. she's great.
worship at 180 is always crazy. i think because i kind of grew up in 180, i always feel at home worshiping God on a saturday night. i love it.
jason young did an awesome job preaching about having our whole lives be a mission... that we would take on the mantel of missions.. "what would you do to save a soul?" the answer? any and everything.
the other side of of the room.
as much as 180 sometimes breaks my heart, as much as it tires me to the bone sometimes, and puts a strain on my sanity, and sometimes spills too much into my personal life with my wife... there are times when we're worshiping God, when he renews my call, my strength, my resolve, and tells me that it's ok... i am with you.
numerous people heard the voice of God, or at least the urging of the holy spirit, a refreshing, salvations, and then Tom also was inspired to write a bridge to his song, Who May Ascend.
Lord, you are simply amazing. in spite of every wrong decision that i make, or all the things i dont well, or i don't do well in terms of leading my team, you still pour your blessings and your spirit on us every saturday. Lord, help me to stay fresh, stay focused, and to also be blessed in my personal life with my wife as well.
Lord, i know that in every way it is you who guides, you who provides, you who enables, and you alone who receives the glory. thank you for allowing someone like janice and i to lead a ministry that so amazingly reflects you and what you're doing in the Young Adults of Hong Kong, and the World. Keep us humble, but keep using and growing us. i, we, 180 loves you Lord.
thank you. -amen