:before we fly:
so tomorrow i'll be leaving with my amazing wife as well as with Tom and the vine band. This trip well have Jacinta Read, Mark Nam, Joshua Wong, Joe Chow, Chris Mellon, and Felix Szeto. We'll be going to minister at the yNEEC 2007, the youth side of a huge conference in North England. We'll be ministering to hundreds of youth who will be the next generation of Christian leaders. awesome.
to be honest, i'm completely been taken back by this whole thing. this is such an amazing blessing, to be asked to minister to hundreds of youth leaders in North England. i'm so amazed that God would ask me and Janice to minister, and would ask the Tom and Vine Band to lead worship... i mean.. who am i? who are we? i'm just a guy who's been ploughing away here in HK trying to build young adults who live unashamedly for Jesus. we're just a small church in a little nook off of China that's passionate about worshiping God and seeing His purposes fulfilled on this planet. what a CRAZY thing to be asked to do what we're doing.... God is simply crazy (in a good way), and i love it.
in light of flying away, i've decided to set up a website. take a looksie if you have a chance.

i've also recently starting taking drugs again. this time it's not in the form of pills and powder, it's called Facebook. i'm thoroughly addicted, but i'm glad that it's not rotting my brain or my wallet, only my productivity. take a gander, or add me if you haven't done so already.

so if you're a praying person, i'd love your prayers. prayers that Janice and I would be completely transparent, completely honest, completely humble. not trying to be anyone or anything, just being us. not seeking the reward, but the giver of the reward. to have a passion for these young people to be impacted by the LOVE of Christ. Pray also for Tom and the others to be able to usher these young people into a place where they can be completely changed for His glory. pray for passion, strength, compassion, energy, love, humility, and sensitivity.
pray that God moves. in us. through us. all around us.
here's my personal vision for this coming week:
Derek & Janice Vision for the yNEEC 07: “Captivated – 1cor1:8”
To inspire and equip every young person at the conference to move dramatically closer to God over the course of the week through newfound trust via intimacy, and to return to their schools with a sustainable passion to reflect Christ in every area of their lives.
and my own prayer.... will write back next week!
to be honest, i'm completely been taken back by this whole thing. this is such an amazing blessing, to be asked to minister to hundreds of youth leaders in North England. i'm so amazed that God would ask me and Janice to minister, and would ask the Tom and Vine Band to lead worship... i mean.. who am i? who are we? i'm just a guy who's been ploughing away here in HK trying to build young adults who live unashamedly for Jesus. we're just a small church in a little nook off of China that's passionate about worshiping God and seeing His purposes fulfilled on this planet. what a CRAZY thing to be asked to do what we're doing.... God is simply crazy (in a good way), and i love it.
in light of flying away, i've decided to set up a website. take a looksie if you have a chance.

i've also recently starting taking drugs again. this time it's not in the form of pills and powder, it's called Facebook. i'm thoroughly addicted, but i'm glad that it's not rotting my brain or my wallet, only my productivity. take a gander, or add me if you haven't done so already.
so if you're a praying person, i'd love your prayers. prayers that Janice and I would be completely transparent, completely honest, completely humble. not trying to be anyone or anything, just being us. not seeking the reward, but the giver of the reward. to have a passion for these young people to be impacted by the LOVE of Christ. Pray also for Tom and the others to be able to usher these young people into a place where they can be completely changed for His glory. pray for passion, strength, compassion, energy, love, humility, and sensitivity.
pray that God moves. in us. through us. all around us.
here's my personal vision for this coming week:
Derek & Janice Vision for the yNEEC 07: “Captivated – 1cor1:8”
To inspire and equip every young person at the conference to move dramatically closer to God over the course of the week through newfound trust via intimacy, and to return to their schools with a sustainable passion to reflect Christ in every area of their lives.
and my own prayer.... will write back next week!
Lord. All i am absolutely amazed at your love and grace. please help me to honour you with this opportunity. help me to not be afraid. help me to not seek my own agenda, but to only follow what your heart is wanting. my i be nothing more than a reflection of you. i pray that this conference would be nothing short of a life-changing encounter with you and your love. Thank you lord for choosing this team to minister. please send your angels to protect myself, Janice, Tom, Jacinta, Mark, Joe, Joshua, Felix and Chris. May we be your servants, your warriors, your mirror and your instruments of Love.
Thank you Lord. You are simply amazing.