:SCP 2006:

Every summer for the last 3 years, i've run a program called the Summer College Program, SCP. it's a program that is very close to my heart, as university was where i failed in life, where i became addicted to drugs, where i lost my chance at graduating from a great school... it's where i fell.

it's also where i saw some of my friends who claim to be Christian, take advantage of girls, and party harder than most... it was a place where i saw drunk and high people inviting me to their Friday night fellowship, or their Sunday morning church service.

hypocrites, losers, fake people, idiots. that's what i thought about Christians back then.

most of it was jealousy, but it was warranted. after 3.5 years, i had nothing to show for my tens of thousands of US dollars of education, i was asked to leave the school, i was about 20 thousand USD in debt, i was addicted to ecstasy, and i had to return to HKG. it was a blessing to do so because it eventually forced me to meet with God through the Vine, but i always remembered my university years, and i always asked God.. why did you allow me to go through all of that? why was it so hard for me?

now i know the answer.

With such a strong burden to see university students truly walking out a contagious relationship with Jesus Christ, i began the program 3 years ago. it was a humble beginning, as i had no idea how many would turn up or what exactly we were going to do. our first meeting 3 years ago had 20 people, most of which i had no idea where they came from or how they found out about the program. cut forward 3 years, and we just finish our last meeting for 2006... i looked out at the last song, to over 70 students crying out to God, for a passion for the next year, to live for Him, to see their friends saved, to see unity in the school, to see their city and nation turning to God.. it was an amazing sight to see, it was an amazing feeling to experience.

the question is and will always be... what IF just one of the students goes on to spark revival? what if they are key in moving the people to Jesus? imagine that! i clearly had it in my head that from what i was doing in the vine centre on a Wednesday night, would impact the nations.

USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, China and Hong Kong were all prayed for. in room we had over 40 different universities. in one room, about 62 out of the 70 would leave HKG and be sent out. what an amazing opportunity to send out passionate young people.

this years SCP has finished. i was very sad last night, more so than other years. i've really poured my heart in 180 and SCP, but the difference is that 180 we grow together. with SCP, we grow intensely for about 10 weeks, and then most of these kids I'll never see again. some of the students impacted me, and i'm blessed to have impacted them.

my leadership team this year was also very special to me. people i have grown to trust, people i've grown to understand and do battle with. they are different to my 180 team, but no less skilled, no less talented...

so with a heavy heart i looked back at the room where so many souls would BURN for Jesus.. as i looked the door, last one to leave.. i remembered again the reason why i do what i do for these students... and with that.. i closed the door on SCP 2006.

Heavenly Father, please protect them all. i pray that every single person who attended SCP would be strengthen and able to do all the things you put in their heart to do. some of them have asked for their whole campus to know you, i pray that you give them the strength and resolve to do so. keep them Lord, and walk closely with them. I thank you for using someone like me to be able to Minster to so many students, but Lord, i pray that each one of the will have victory back at their schools. i pray for a harvest. i pray for a contagious fire to spread through the world. i pray that your name is lifted higher than anything else. i pray that you God will shine. use them all, in a mighty and powerful way.

I thank you Lord for bringing so many students into our program... but now Lord... send them out. Leave these 99 so that the ones can be brought back to you. I pray that from this group of people, you will change the world for Your Name.

In your precious and powerful name.



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