This was taken from the newspaper this morning:

A suicide jumper who landed on top of a car when she tried to kill herself is refusing to pay compensation for the damage she caused - because she says the car was illegally parked.

this was the topic of discussion for most of today. only in Hong Kong does crap like this happen. woman tries to kill herself, slams into a benz, but lives. owner gets angry, sues for damages(so much for compassion or sympathy, eh?). woman refuses to pay because car was illegally parked, and then sues him back for unintentional bodily harm, and asks that he be issed an illegal parking ticket, and that he compensate for her living expenses cuz she's not dead?!??!!?!

anyways, i have a 9 day holiday ahead of me. but unlike all you lazy peeps, i'll be keeping me blog'in up-to-scratch.

in case i don't bump into any of you in the next week. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! eat them cakes and noodles. yadda yadda ya.



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