so today i spent some time messing around with my template again, brought my blah-back book, added some links, and all my archives. yippee

i'm excited to go dance today. i brought my video of old funktion stuff into my office. i was watching it just in case that i needed to show some of the moves tonight. of which i didn't remember much. i didn't want everyone to watch, but everyone did. then they all started making fun of dancing. i think it was just their automatic response to seeing something that they are 1) not used to seeing, and 2) can not do. so, like English people, they made fun of it. i forgive and bless them, but it wasn't very encouraging since i'm going to dance tonight. but that's ok, cuz i know that that is what i love doing. no name calling and finger pointing will stop me from dancing.

another thing... how come i'm so excited for what's gonna happen after work? i feel a little bad... since today i've been clockwatching since 1030 this morning, and it's only 2pm now. i should be hard at work, and then being surprised that it's 5pm already. that's bad... cuz i should be behind my work 110% right? yeah... right. but you all know the feeling... same old grind, day in day out. i guess it's validated that the only change in the weeks would be something like, dancing, or maybe going snowboarding for a weekend... if only we ALL could be so lucky.

tell you guys about my dance 'lesson' tomrrow.


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