lazy sunday
church, was wonderful. wont get into it, but received confirmation that what I’m doing is in line with my church, and more importantly in line with God. it's wonderful to know that God wants to encourage what i do. and i'm not talking about my 9-5.

so in a weird scenario that happens every week after church, i herd up all the young guys, or young adults as we are known as, and then i say let's go eat, and then people go. people are always standing there and just chilling and yapping... but then i always feel like someone needs to say lets go... and what's weird is that they follow. we joked about it on the way out, how i was calling people by name to start the people moving... and how it was like a shephard calling his sheep. what was weird is that people really do follow my voice. some people were saying that i was their shephard... but thing is, no-one will ever know how much of a compliment that was to me.

the word shephard amazes and compels me. i love everything about a shepherd: the ideals, the history, the calling, the overall humility... what's really weird is that i have been praying that God allows me, and that my church releases me, to be just that. to be a shepherd... to herd in lost sheep, to find news ones, to lead existing ones. in all cases it seems like i was under God's grace, but then i was confirmed yesterday. wow. amen.

so sundays are the best day of the week, more so if i dont see my family. i've noticed that the people who are always hanging out and pouring into their friendship, usually are a little displaced when it comes to their own family... it's like their friends become their family. this has been the case in several situations, myself included. anyways, my point follows that some days, it just happens that a group of friends end up spending the whole day together just hanging out after church. i love the fact that when you’re in a church, you’re in a community of people that is just amazing. you never ever have that kind of lifestyle when not a christian... we all got up early to make it to church.... we all went to eat lunch together. a handful of people went to a friends place that was HUGE by any standard, and we just chilled out watching a movie and chatting till dinner time that brought us to another place, another meal, a slightly different set of people. It all made for a wonderful day and night. it was simple, cheap, clean, fun... what happened again yesterday was that in various places throughout the day i was completely happy with that day... and that i was exactly where i wanted to be. the day that that happens more than once a week, it'll probably mean i'm in heaven... but for now... let's just say that it was a perfect lazy sunday. there was about 2 or 3 times i was thinking that this is a very nice day. low stress and hang out. niiiiiiiiiiiiice.

but then it also made me reflect.. as it IS almost the new year. 2 years ago, or 2 or 3 of the people i was with did i actually know.... almost everyone i was with last night was some that i had met within 2 years. i've often accepted that i'm a nomad... usually living out my 2-4 years with a certain group of people, then i move on. it has been like this my whole life.. as though my life went one like it was imperial china... going through different dynasties. i really have had different groups of friends, ranging from the bartenders/DJs, to the goodygoodies, to the drugies, to the christians.... i normally always fight the grain and move on to experience new things... makes up for good late night stories by the fire... but that was what was weird... i felt at home... yesterday. .that i have been such strong friends with some of these guys... that i dont think i'll ever let them go.... WEIRD!

this is one super long entry. i think it's time i started a new blog title.


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